"Thank goodness, it's only cigarette smoking!"
"It's only cigarette smoking, at least he is not using drugs." Many modern parents would feel a strong sense of agreement with the sentiment expressed above. But parents who feel safe and secure in...
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Once again, great article Joel! Here are some benefits of quitting smoking: AFTER: 20 minutes: Your blood pressure, heart rate and the temperature of your hands and feet normalize 8 hours: the oxygen...
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Got lost there a second let's try this again. Wow! Hit me over the head again. I read what was there and the comment about addiction. I most of been in denial about that. I don't think any one wants...
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Joel...It was articles like this one that helped me out OH so much back in the beginning. I find them very interesting and helpful, even though I'm going on 4 months now... Ar
View ArticleRe: "Thank goodness, it's only cigarette smoking!"
The following list of nicotine addiction links leaves me wondering why it is legal for a 12 year old to carry a pack of cigarettes in almost all the countries of the world. What are we saying to our...
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